Get ready to shift the story you hold around fear so you can and liberate yourself into the life you know you came here to live.
In power and on purpose. 

welcome to this life changing experience.

I see you. 
I've been there. 
And yes, you are ready.

Imagine a life where you are actually living out your dream. You have stopped questioning yourself and the choices your soul is calling you towards.

You move in the direction that is right for you with purpose and certainty. You show up corageous and confident creating the momentum you so deeply desire to bring the life of your dreams into reality. 

Its time to alchemize your fear stories  into endless possibility, rooted in confidence and deep self-trust.

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The times we live in have changed - we are in a new paradigm, and it’s important to upgrade the inner world and the nervous system to come into coherence with the truth that you are not here to defend
 yourself from life and the world around you.

You are here to an empowered & courageous
co-creator of your life.

These have been passed down from your ancestors - a lineage that lived in a very different time.

Their fear of survival was constant. It was very real and valid. 

But here's the thing -

These fears aren’t meant to be our guiding source of information anymore. Those particular survival instincts are reptilian, and are here to keep us alive when we are in life or death moments - such as (god forbid) being chased by a bear.

Not when deciding whether or not to try something new, start a business, change relationships and most importantly, create the life of your dreams. 

Many fears are stored in your DNA.


It will bring forward the opportunities for healing required so you can step into the direct experience of living this dream of yours. These stories may challenge you, but they will not break you. There is nothing to fear in them - they are wisdom keepers. 

It’s time to bring light to these narratives so you can show up confidently, learning to walk with fear, tap into your steadfast power and co-create an inspiring and meaningful life - your way. On your terms.

It’s time to live life as though it were created for you. 

The dream in your heart will not destroy you.....


“Find your true nature, unmeasured by the nature of others. Give yourself permission to be - unaltered, undiluted and unmodified. Do this, and at last you are free, and a dearly needed example of freedom. ” 

Jaiya John

You move through life making decisions based on desires, excitement, self-trust, and deep heart alignment


imagine you are deeply connected to the wisdom your body is sharing with you.

You no longer outsource your decisions to others, 

You no longer waiting for external validation before you move

And you no longer mistrust the timing of your life. 

You are attuned, inspired and on purpose. 


never limiting what you are called to create or experience because of the stories fear is telling you.

You’ve cultivated an inner intimacy that is so trustworthy, you no longer doubt it. 

and it gets better....

It’s time to move through this fear so you can manifest the life of your dreams. 

To life the live you know you were put on this Earth to   

The life that allows you to wake in the morning and say “thank you”.

The path that allows you to live out your soul mission and share your gifts. 

Soul level peace, joy and happiness are here for you - on the other side of this fear. 


There’s no such thing as fuck fear in my world. We walk with it and befriend it - it has a story to tell. It’s here for a reason, and when you can understand it, then and only then, can you shift it. All of this work is deeply rooted in nervous system healing and expanding capity to support yourself in really sustainable ways. 

I can honestly say that my life changed dramatically when I began to learn from the fear and use it in a different way. I used to hold a belief that my dream life was only available to other people, I felt that I wasn’t able to create my life on my terms. I felt trapped. I was so afraid of authority, failure and judgment - it paraylyzed me. That has all shifted thanks to this work. And it is my soul purpose to walk others towards their own transformation.

controversial opinion.

empowered  &  aligned

What magic it is to been seen anD held in the raw parts of the journey

Your time, awareness and on-point ability to tune in is such a guiding star. honestly, it's amazing how much lighter I feel after hour time together - what magic it is to been and held in the raw parts of the journey. You truly have a gift and I feel more empowered in mine after every time we meet. I appreciate you and the ways our journeys reflect.

it has allowed me to surrender

I just wanted to say that I'm thankful for your work. It has allowed me to fully surrender (with resistance at times!) but I'm right where I am meant to be. My soul truly knows it's time to heal and that I have the tools necessary to do so. Thank you again Joanna.

You’ve spent so much time being guided by the messages of fear, thinking the message meant


What if instead of fearing failure, you could lean into the trust of your endurance and your resilience? Embracing your ability to know when to pivot and move forward or rest and restore - no matter what season you are in.

What if instead of fearing inadequacy and being paralyzed (or overworked) by perfectionism you could see uncertainty and the not knowing as a gift and divine playground to explore?

What if instead of worrying about letting those you love down, you remember that you in your alignment is the way you serve and show up BIG for those you love? 

What if instead of looking outside you for the authority figures, you become one of yourself?

And oh my gosh ~ what if you just decided to let go of the struggle and the narrative that it’s always going to be hard and instead simply determined where your effort is required and let the rest slide?!

But consider this dear one....

about your guide.

Joanna is highly skilled Transformational Guide + powerful intuitive channel. She offers her clients a unique blend of therapeutic mentorship, energy mapping + channelled Akashic wisdom to support the journey of returning home to wholeness. She walks in deep devotion to mystical and ancient wisdoms, and skillfully weaves them together with Somatic therapies and nervous system healing. Joanna is a gifted space holder and is on a sacred mission to empower and support her clients in resourcing themselves, leaning into self-trust + soul alignment; and from this place co-creating a life filled with possibility.

Courage Codes is an invitation into deeper self awareness and an opportunity to heal. To immerse yourself into the multi-dimensional layers of your psyche so you can understand the WHY behind fears you carry. When you have the why, you have the pathway to healing the wound. 

This is an opportunity for self discovery in a thoughtful, curious and regulated way. It’s also an opportunity to co-regulate with me. I’ve showed up, I’ve done this work, I continually do this work and it’s deeply embodied. Each time I come up against a new challenge in life, it’s these wisdom teachings and practices I return to.

Wobbles are opportunities… if you allow them to be. It’s time to change how you show up for yourself within the crunchy fear-filled moments and use them as the potent soul expansive learning experiences that they are. 

When we are unaware, we aren’t able to respond to the fear, we are reactive to it. 
We move from the unconscious stories and imprints. We are not in our personal power, but rather living from a timeline that is restrictive and limiting. 

Together we will bring light to these places so you can liberate yourself and show up confidently and centered through whatever it is you are meeting in life. 

the journey.

I'm ready

This program is for you if you're ready to....

it's time.

Let go of the patterns holding you back and start creating new and empowering ways of experiencing your life - in the beautiful ways you know you are supposed to. You get to experience that “pinch me, how did I get here” feeling! 

Be more curious about yourself and what is living in the unconscious mind so you can face it head on and stop hiding from challenge and holding yourself back. You remember your strength and courage and move from a confident relationship with yourself. 

Cultivate a deep and connected relationship with Self so you can stop comparing and simply show up as you are, as you are meant to be. You treat yourself with the revenge and respect you so deeply deserve.


Expand your courage and stop questioning yourself so you can stop wasting your life force energy and time seeking validation from others before you move.




“You’ve truly changed my life this year, and I’m so grateful for your guidance. I feel like I’m on the right track, and you’ve really helped me on my way. I feel confident and inspired to follow my dreams and make a special impact. Thankful for you”





“You have empowered me to tap back into myself. I have a better understanding of who I am, what I need to work on, and how to work on it. I have to share with you that your energy is so warm, bright and magnetic and I am so grateful to be working with you.”





“Working with Joanna feels like an incredibly safe space to be me and share my thoughts and feelings. I am also able to step into my true power knowing that I will be truly supported, no matter what life throws at me. Joanna has been the biggest difference in my life, and I highly recommend her to any human person who is seeking to live a more grandiose life. We only get one, might as well spend it the best we can!”


What's Inside this Course

You get access to the following
for the investment of $722
Presale : $333

8 teaching transmission modules 

guided inner journeys + prompts

quantum transmission

somatic embodiment practice 

inner intimacy practice

optional discount on 1:1 work

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You are here to rise and live an extraordinary life.

Believe it.