to bring you into direct experience with your highest timeline.

Ancient practice, mystical teachings + quantum activation
come together in this personalized journey.

An activation of your DNA
 received in deep rest + pure awareness.

a transmission

This is an opportunity to receive a sacred and personalized offering, which is truly one of a kind. 

You will be gifted a powerful experience that can be used time and time again. Each experience of the journey will be received and integrated on different and deeper levels.

It is made for you, and only you, based on your energetic blueprint.
(I use a synthesis of Astrology, Human Design + Gene Keys)

Rooted and held by the structure of Yoga Nidra, a modality 
that guides you inwards, working with your subconscious mind. 
During the practice, the body is totally relaxed (perhaps even asleep) and the mind is tranquil yet awake.

The physical, mental, and emotional benefits of this inner state are numerous and profound, this journey is a direct realization of pure potential that lies within. 

journey through the landscape of your soul

During the practice of yoga nidra we travel into the deeper recesses of mind and allow for un-lived experiences, stored as pure potential, to surface without any objection, or judgement, and let the energy flow as it was intended. In a relaxed state of awareness, we are gifted the opportunity to rewrite our stories and access new layers of our potential. The beauty of this work, is no efforting required, done in the resting state, you simply open yourself up and receive. 

By releasing yourself from your stories, your samskaras, your karmic debts, you to come into right relationship with your divine self.

As your guide, I attune to your field, connect with your records and guides, and journey into the landscape of you. The resonance of my voice carries the codes into your awareness and activates and awakens your light body + your limitless potential.

the magic.

Akashic Records, Yoga Nidra, Womb Shamanism, Quantum Activations, and Somatic Embodiment are the foundation.
I have been lucky enough to study with truly exceptional teachers; each masters in their field. This offering is a creation of mine that has been influence by them all and I am in deep reverence to each of them. The depth, power and frequency of their teachings resonates through this experience. You will feel it..

Using your birthdate, time and location, I pull 3 different charts for you. I spend time interpreting the energies and weaving together part of your souls journey. 

I open and connect to your Akashic Records, (an etheric library of your soul's history)
and connect to the information that is most relevant for this season of your life. 
I typically open the records 3 times. (looking at your charts, writing your journey, transmission of your activation)

The amount of information that is available to us through the 3 modalities I use here is vast and often overwhelming to many, by journeying into your records with the intention of receiving the messages and information needed in this now moment helps clarify what your soul is requiring.
Note: this is not a Human Design, Astrology or Gene Keys reading. If you desire one of those sessions, you can book through the links on my site. 

Each transmission is different.
Trust you will receive exactly what you need.

the method.

the moment I began the recording, i knew this was a piece of art and it caught my attention

Over the many years of supporting and teaching yoga nidra students to become teachers, I have become quite discerning in what qualities make a trustworthy and genuine guide. I recognize Joanna as one.

She created a personalized recording for me based upon the priority themes and information within my Human Design profile while being in the Akashic Records. She used the yoga nidra framework to seamlessly guide me through the multilayers of my constellation to activate potentials already seeded into my original blueprint. The moment I began the recording, I knew this was a piece of art and it caught my attention immediately. I knew she was onto something here and that it is both aligned timing and needed for this body of work to come through to our collective consciousness.

Tanis Fishman
School of Sankalpa Founder
Yoga Nidra Guide, Mystic, Psycho Spiritual Guidance 

Due to the nature of this work,
there are no refunds. 


Due to the depth and sacredness of this personalized journey, it requires time.
I sit with your charts, your energy and access your Akashic Records multiple times and
I require approximately 2 weeks to prepare it for you.

You will receive a link to your recording via email, which you can download.

I offer two of these a month.

The investment

the timeline.

I am so honoured to be part of this sacred journey
of yours., and I am in deep reverence of your preciousness and profoundly unique essence.
It's a treasure. And so are you..

Here's to another layer and level of deep connection to your
true nature. An activation of your DNA, bringing much magic online.


gorgeous one


You are here to rise and live an extraordinary life.

Believe it.