it's time to remember.
you are the conduit for all of the abundance you seek.
It's endless, continually flowing, and it comes from within.
I'm so excited you are here.
This container is ready to hold you, expand you, and witness you.
The QUANTUM WELLSPRING journey is a unique and intimate experience.
An opportunity to drop into community and share parts of your journey together and,
it also offers consistent 1:1 therapeutic mentorship throughout.
All in the name of knowing yourself more deeply,
accessing your authentic self,
and meeting life in new ways.
Returning to right relationship with YOU.
Which in turn expands outwards into your relationship with others,
with your life,
with your creations.
with abundance,
with your work,
with your life force.
with your unique expression.
It all comes from you.
This is the foundation of it all.
"You are not a project to be solved and you were never unhealed. With eyes wide open, see that you could never lose the way. The unfolding of the heart is the work of a lifetime and there is no urgency on the path of love.."
- Matt Licata -
All of life is templed in the body.
It holds your history,
and all potentials yet to come.
I don't believe true healing can occur
without deep connection to the body and the stories it carries.
When we heal we release locked energy which is looping in old patterns, beliefs, and playing out old traumas;
by meeting these stories we carry in our cells, we create space for the unfolding of new stories and ways of being.
We will journey with some of the archetypes that your soul came here to work with.
I will guide you in mapping these and working with the specific ones
placed in the first 6 houses of your cosmic blueprint.
These will relate to the below themes:
This is an opportunity to ground, connect to and understand yourself
more deeply AND be supported in liberating yourself from the distortions.
Locate safety within body and mind,
with the support of Spirit + Creator,
so you can soar even higher.
I work with Somatic body based therapies AND the Quantum Field,
both will be a part of this container.
Psychosomatic therapy meets mysticism.
Your nervous system and your body is how you interface with the Quantum Field,
the infinite field of possibilities.
If you don't ground an energetic system, it doesn't flow smoothly.
It short circuits, and ultimately is no longer operating in the way
it was designed to.
Your ability to manifest and attract with ease is directly linked to your healing.
It doesn't matter how many mantras you repeat, if the unconscious body and mind don't believe it,
it won't happen.
I want you to live out your dreams.
I want you feel peace in your mind and body.
Peace in your life.
All the external goals and desires are welcome and encouraged! Yet, let's first know ourselves deeply, so we can befriend and support ourselves on our journey in the most beautiful and profound ways possible.
the journey begins with you
Your time, awareness and on-point ability to tune in is such a guiding star. honestly, it's amazing how much lighter I feel after hour time together - what magic it is to been and held in the raw parts of the journey. You truly have a gift and I feel more empowered in mine after every time we meet. I appreciate you and the ways our journeys reflect.
I just wanted to say that I'm thankful for your work. It has allowed me to fully surrender (with resistance at times!) but I'm right where I am meant to be. My soul truly knows it's time to heal and that I have the tools necessary to do so. Thank you again Joanna.
Through our time together we set deep intention.
We create a safe and sacred space to be curious, witness,
release, laugh, .and be present to,
everything and anything that wishes to surface.
Somatic Experiencing | Compassionate Inquiry| Internal Family Systems
Quantum Shamanic Healing | Akashic Records | Human Design | Astrology
these are some of the components of this journey.
We do this work so you can...
… be in tune and attuned to your unique gifts,
… bring awareness to where you may be out of balance,
… connect more deeply to your intuition,
… resource yourself in the most aligned way,
… express yourself rooted + empowered
… step more fully into your highest timeline.
… experience more joy + freedom in your daily life
… trust in life.
It's time to connect to your most authentic Self,
this is the foundation to expanding in an aligned way.
It's time to be witnessed in your expansion in safe community of soul family
that have chosen to gather to expand and align TOGETHER.
There is power in community, we weave a web, we expand our desires,
we raise each other up, and we hold mirrors for each other.
It's also incredibly healing to be held in your intimate moments,
and 1:1 support is an important component of this journey.
This container is for you, if you are willing to show up fully, to be vulnerable and open, to be witnessed in your journey, and to share the wins and the vulnerability with the tribe that gathers together. If you are excited to journey in the quantum field, and receive activations beyond logic. If you can feel that things will shift simply by being in this space.
This container is not for you if you are wanting a linear, step by step to do list, if you don't believe in the power of coming together in community, if you are looking for a quick fix, and not willing to take full responsibility of your journey. If you don't believe in the magic and mysteries, and you aren't ready to turn inward and meet ALL of you that is willing to show up at this moment in time.
approximately 6 months together
Each month our calls will be:
1 x live group call (teaching and q+a)
1 or 2 x private 60 min therapeutic mentorship sessions
group chat + support M - F
ongoing group transmissions
(group chat and transmission via Telegram)
you will also receive
1 x opening circle
1 x closing circle
Group Distance Healing via Healy
1 x personal auric scan via Healy
recorded mediations, yoga nidras + activations.
guest teachers
access to Illuminating You (self paced course)
All group calls will be recorded and uploaded to the portal so you can watch replays + use quantum activations multiple times.
investment for program with 1 private call monthly $2500
investment for program with 2 private calls monthly $3100
*these prices are for the first round of this program,
they will rise in future offerings*
Group Call Dates (may be adjusted slightly).
Second Thursday of every month
12pm - 1:30 MST
We begin October 12th.
*payment plans available - email to set up.
join here
The sanctity of this container I am creating for you is deeply meaningful for me. I am excited to share with you some of my personal tools, rituals and practices that have supported me on my journey, which is an ongoing dance with life.
The journey has no end point, so the invitation is to travel these next few months together in curiosity and reverence for all the magic you hold, simply because you are.
To create a meaningful and stable foundation from which to thrive.
I am ready to welcome you and support you,
and..... likely activate and gently push you out of your
comfort zone, all from the rooted space of knowing that if you are here, you are ready for it.
If you are feeling the pull to these frequencies,
trust it.
I can't wait to walk along side you.
gorgeous one